Now it’s for real! Letters are reinstalled at Cerro Colorado in Tijuana

For hiking fans and Tijuana natives, we have some good news: Cerro Colorado once again has its sign!

One year ago, artist Enrique Chiu was in charge of designing the letters, which, due to weather conditions and bad use, did not last long. The same thing occurred with a swing that had been installed at the same time.

Today, taking that as a reference, the Councilor of the 24th Administration of Tijuana, Miriam Echeverría led the installation of the sign, now reinforced, so that it lasts much longer as an emblematic attraction of this mountain.

On a livestream, the President Councilor of the Commission of Education, Culture, Libraries, Science, and Technology of Tijuana revealed this action to benefit Tijuana natives:

In Tijuana, there are a lot of us from other states or from other countries, and I think that when you add something you are providing an identity. As a citizen you can defend what is yours and you can take care of it. I come from the outside and for me this is a small, very small contribution due to everything that Tijuana has given us.

On his birthday, Enrique Chiu was present at the reinstallation of these newly designed letters he also made for this emblematic mountain. The artist explained that the colors changed a little bit as well as the pictures of places and monuments of the most characteristic places in the city.

In addition, the sign is made out of stainless steel reinforced with cement and the letters are welded directly to the base so that they are more resistant.

It is expected that more people become interested in climbing this mountain and visiting Tijuana thanks to these letters as they make for a great picture.

For their part, several local hiking groups helped in the last few days asking people to climb Cerro Colorado with stones all the way to the top so that they could be used to set up the letters.


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